Wednesday, July 27, 2016

30 Days of Favor Thank You

I cannot believe 30 Days of Favor is over! It seemed like a long time coming and now it's over in lightening speed. Where in the world has the summer gone?! I would love to hear from you on your thoughts about our summer devotions and how they impacted your life. Thank you for journeying with us! Just a quick note to say a few much needed THANK YOUS!!
Thank you so much to my daughter Chrissie Hux and my son John Leopard for all the tech help for 30 Days of Favor.  Believe me, none of it would've made it to the online world without these two.  I know my limits and my need for help so thank you to both of you for all the help, smoothing out wrinkles, and correcting the problems.
Thank you to my son-in-law Justin Broome for encouraging me to go forth even though the fear of my limitations tempted me to not bother.  Your encouragement made me persevere and push through so that the ramblings in my head and heart became reality.
Thank you to ALL of you who submitted devotions.  It truly never could've happened without you doing them. Please know how grateful I am but more importantly know know that God used you mightily!  The response I received from many about how God used your words to impact them are in some cases miraculous.
Thank you to all of you who read them and shared them on your social media sights.  Because of you we reached hundreds most days and as many as 1300 hits on the blog for a single devotion.  I could've never dreamed that big but you got it out there!
Thank you to our Favor team at Fairview for making this happen.  Your prayers, encouragement, devotions, sharing made this a reality and God blessed! May He pour back blessings on each of you.
Thank you to my dear husband who trusts me enough to allow me to minister alongside of Him and lead women as God prompts me.  You are more of a risk taker than you think you are.  My goal is to always do you good and never harm!
And the greatest THANK YOU of all goes to our Lord Jesus! You made this bigger than I could've ever even imagined!  That You risk your name and reputation on the likes of me is what gives me purpose each day to get up and then go down and beg You one day at a time for Your presence for I can't imagine going anywhere if You didn't go with me. Exodus 33.  Thank You for placing the desire in my heart and bringing clarity to the ramblings in my brain and for causing so many to agree to help and pray to get Your Word out for these 30 Days.  Now I'm asking You to continue what You started and cause us all to hunger daily for Your Word and be intentional in prayer and aware of Your presence and bold enough to share You with our corners of influence because we know that You are worth it.  Favor us Lord that we may make a difference for You!

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