Some great points worth remembering...
The Holy Spirit was given for our employment not enjoyment.
I'm nobody telling everybody about somebody who can save anybody.
Jesus gave the Great Commission to 11 with no political status, no social standing.
It's not about our personality, our persuasiveness, our position. It's all about His power.
There's no plan B. We are His people and we are responsible for sharing.
If you're not doing missions here, why go there?
Many go on vacation and call it a mission trip.
The light that shines the brightest shines at home.
It was a powerful message and powerful worship. It was one of those goosebump times. Cross Talk was back and on fire! I hope all who lead in worship really grasp your role in preparing us to hear the word and receive it. Yes, we should all come with expectancy and our hearts and attitudes right before the Lord, but what you do is vitally important. You help prepare us and decisions that are made at the end are so often in response to what you do at the beginning. Thank you for serving and leading!
Our Sunday night modern worship was tremendous as well. I LOVE the mixture of ages from teens to senior adults!! That's what it's about!! I'd put our volunteers up against anyone. Many are there two hours early. I've been praying about who was going to man the media booth when Eddie Fisher is not there and I turn around and Andrew Mosteller is up there and will continue to be. Daneil Joines is always working those slides. The countdown was happening and I headed to turn down lights and Justin Broome was already standing there to do it. I panicked when I realized we hadn't "delegated" guys to take up offering but they were on it. Nathan Brannon gets Eddie's podium up there right on cue. I hope you've seen that. My son Stephen made it. It's one of favorite things ever! Thank you Justin Broome for sharing our life on mission moment at the end. I love those so much! It puts such a visual with the sermon that is priceless. Come out and join us for this special service. Even if you come Sunday morning, you'll get so much out of this one. It's unique with such a sweet presence of the Spirit among us. And there's always room for more who want to volunteer. We are about building depth so no one feels the weight. That's part of the discipleship process.
Happy Monday to you all. We get an extra day of February. How will you spend it? Make good use of it! See those opportunities God brings your way. Slow down. Help make someone's day a little better. Living your day on mission with God makes it a day with purpose and no regrets!