Right now the biggest thing on my mind is the fact that by this time tomorrow my oldest daughter and her husband and my only grand girl will be moved back to Greenville and ready to join our team at Fairview to minister to students. I'd be lying if I didn't say it's a dream come true. That dream hit hard on our hearts when Michael Hux joined our family. He not only loved our daughter well but he had more love and passion for Jesus than anyone his age we had ever known. And he loved people, especially students, and they knew it. For different reasons when God placed that dream on our hearts, He also said not yet but I knew He wouldn't place the desire there without fulfilling it and I knew it came from Him. Someone made the comment that "what if God brought Eddie here so that He could bring Michael here?" That's not insulting at all. I believe it was all part of His plan long before the Hux fam and Leopard fam even knew of each other. Those are the things that make the hair on my arms stand straight up. It's been amazing to sit back and watch God do the whole thing. And to sit back in wonderment at how He did it. It's one of those things you hope for and think how incredible it would be to serve alongside your children but you're fearful to dwell on it for fear that your hopes could be dashed yet again. And believe me, some of the pain and heartache of the few years that we went through that eventually got us to Fairview and to this point is well worth it. It took labor pains to move us but God birthed a whole bunch of dreams when we obeyed. He had work to do on both of us first. There was some dying to do but He brought to life things we couldn't even imagine at the time. He really does work everything for our good even when we aren't sure what He is up to.
I'm so thankful that our Fairview family sees this as a positive thing for everyone. I believe God is going to honor this act of obedience and we are going to stand with our mouths open at what He does in our church and shout loudly "only God could do this"! Our music minister has his son on staff and it works so well. They work together instead of allowing petty jealousies and competition to pull them apart that wreck havoc on a church. When families invest together in a community of believers, I believe they work harder and better as a team. Their entire family is invested in wanting what's best for the church. Like Eddie said before, if we just wanted family close, then we would find them a place to serve nearby. But we want the very best for Fairview! I'm so excited for our students and the new journey that this places them on. I'm thankful that our former student minister will be staying on the team to serve our church family. My daughter will also be one of my staff wives. Oh my word, bless her heart. It's a new path for all of us but when God sets you on a path it's always for our good and His glory!! My prayer is that He gets much glory as we seek to serve as He leads and just stay out of His way. So thankful that Fairview not only has family on staff working together but also many families within the church itself. How precious it's been to see that over the past year! God loves family. He instituted it before government and the church. I'm so glad family was His idea!
So thankful for the privilege to serve Him at His church called Fairview.
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