Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Morning Perspective

New series in 1John, Walk in Light, Live in Love, got off to a great start!!  Absolutely love getting the background that Eddie gave us on John himself.  What a reminder of the sweet relationship John had with Jesus and to know that we can have that same sweet relationship with Him today as we walk with Him.
My favorite part had to be on Real Joy.  As Eddie pointed out joy is an inside job that can only come through our relationship with Christ.  It doesn't have to have anything to do with our circumstances.  As he preached on this my mind kept going back to our weekend.  We had the opportunity to attend a bible study in downtown Greenville.  What a conglomeration of kids, adults my age, and some homeless believers.  As we talked to and listened to one of the homeless men after the bible study talk about his own relationship with Jesus and to see such joy in his eyes and the glimmer of hope that ONLY Jesus can give, it just reconfirmed that we can have nothing on this earth but if we have a personal relationship with Jesus, there is much joy!!  He is everything!! For those of us that think we need "stuff" and that joy and happiness are the same, we have missed it.  To be in a room with those who have nothing but what's on their back and they are praising Jesus and their eyes are filled with tears of joy and hope was such a blessing and such conviction all at the same time. God have mercy on us and grow us up in Your Word and what You have to say to us through the book of 1John!!

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