There's no telling how many times I'm going to have to start and stop this so I don't soak my computer in tears but here's the first start...
Well, Stephen, I know you are much more ready for this than I am but honestly I don't know when I would ever be ready. I've told your sisters this and now I am so glad to tell you...when you walk across that stage next Thursday and graduate from South Aiken High School you will become my hero. I've always said that if you can graduate from high school with your morals intact and your belief system strong, you are my hero, and you did and you are.
I'm going to risk embarrassing you because that's a mom's right upon her child graduating so forgive me later. You have to know what an incredible blast you have been to raise!!! I always prayed that if God ever gave me a boy He would give me a boy who was ALL boy...boy oh boy did He ever!!! I don't think you moved or made a peep til you were 2 then look out. You took everything by storm and haven't stopped since. You made yourself at home on the beach under others umbrellas, you could talk to anyone, what a gift. You never needed sleep but had a mandatory rest time just so I could rest. You made us laugh constantly and your thinking outside of the box never ceases to amaze me.
Watching you play football, basketball, and baseball has brought so much fun to our family. I have never known ANYONE who works harder than you, has more determination than you, and gets down LESS than you. It's a joy to not have to push you and motivate you, you do it yourself. You are competitive down to the marrow. You put all of that together and there's no stopping you. Most of all, in every sport you played, you were all about TEAM. You never cared about individual garbage, you wanted your team to win. You cheered on your teammates and cared about them and how well they did. You can't beat that attitude. You have made me check my own attitude time and time again, how's that for being the example to your mom.
You have a heart of gold, more compassion than I could ever muster. God is going to do a mighty work through you because you allow Him to work in you. Don't close any door He opens for you because I know He has a great plan ahead for you. I can't wait to see how He takes your love for baseball and your love for people and your love for Him and puts it all together for His glory. It's been amazing to watch you and I know it will just get more and more amazing. I am so thankful that God chose me to be your mom, I tell Him every day that I know that it's His grace because I don't deserver a day with you. Love you more than you will ever know and am super proud of you and the life you lead!!